there is more and more broadband
to choose from there is also great competition for them to
get you to use their services.
means that there are more deals and special offers available
to you the consumer
special deals come in the way of:
- Free
broadband modem - The price of a broadband modem can
be from £60 to £80!
- Free
broadband set up and connection This means you can get
your broadband set up and connected for free so you again
don't have to pay the charge for this which can be another
saving of about £60 to £70!
- First
month free - You may also be able to get your first month
free so you will have one months broadband connection for
no charge!
top of these great offers and deals you may be entitled to
other extras, such as virus protection, spam and junk mail
blockers, and even free text messages
of the best examples of the above offers is from BT
who offer the first 3 months at a reduced rate, give you free
modem and connection